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Lexington Woods

Bridge Across the Ocean

A story of three American cyclists, two Japanese espionage agents, a Taiwanese businesswoman, and the world’s most revolutionary bicycle.

Bridge Across the Ocean is the story of the entrepreneurs behind Smithworks, a high-end custom bicycle maker, who want to bring their new bicycle technology—a drive that can store the energy from pedaling and release it when the cyclist needs it—to the growing market of city bikes. Their colleague, Shieh-Seng “Luke” Lin, has set up a meeting with the CEO of Joyful Bike, the world’s largest bicycle maker, in Taiwan. But just as they are about to leave, Luke is killed in a hit-and-run. Now, brokenhearted but determined to bring Luke’s vision to reality, the guys are off to Taiwan without the one person who might have helped them foster the business partnership of their dreams.

When they arrive in Taipei, Smithworks CEO, Jed Smith, finds himself on the cusp of another sort of partnership—a romantic relationship with their guide, Jung-Shan, who also happens to be the daughter of Joyful Bike’s president, Mr. Zheng. Jung-Shan and Jed have an immediate connection, but neither has had luck in love, and cultural differences threaten to thwart their relationship before it has a chance to thrive.

While Jed is busy falling for Jung-Shan and winning her father’s confidence, he and his partners, Rick Saundersson and David Bondsman, find themselves hiding from and plotting to deter two Japanese business espionage agents who caught their scent when they arrived in Tokyo, attempting to steal their technology and sell it to Joyful’s competitors. Can Jed protect The Spinner, his partners, Luke’s legacy, and his heart, all while surrounded by unfamiliar situations, an entirely different culture, and danger?