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Pond Street

jack-rochester-boston-author-the-abduction-of-aithenaThe floors sagged, but my writing career sure didn’t. This was where Dennis Driscoll, Computer Crime Private Eye, was born and first saw print. I also began my love affair with serious bicycling here. Living in this Civil War-era farmhouse, for some reason my writing career blossomed. I had a spacious office on the sagging second floor; whenever I lifted my feet, my desk chair would roll into the middle of the room. My computer journalism career was on a roll, too: book contracts, a contributing editorship at the Boston Computer Society magazine, articles in The Harvard Business Review, USA Today, OMNI, and an all-expense paid junket to Japan, courtesy of Epson. Was I having fun? You betcha, because unbeknownst to my Fourth Estate buddies, I was writing my first computer crime private eye novel, The Abduction of AIthena. My agent shopped it to 21 publishers. They all passed. Computer detective fiction was a bit ahead of its time.





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