A Season’s Greetings Gift For You!
Amid all the grief and fear and terror we’ve experienced from a year of COVID-19, we must count among our few blessings that it has been a year when book sales rose by eight percent. We’ve been quarantined and put on lockdown in our homes, where we could have whiled away our time watching Netflix and Amazon. And we likely did, but we’ve also been reading. A lot. Books were more often our choice of entertainment and enlightenment.
And so to you, my faithful subscribers, I would like to offer you my Nathaniel Hawthorne Flowers trilogy, in whole and in part, as a gift of the season and beyond, since we’re likely to be sitting home for a while yet, waiting for our vaccine and the air to clear, so to speak.
I doubt you need much of an introduction to my novels, but in case you do, here are links to each of them:
Wild Blue Yonder: https://amzn.to/2KdnQtv
Madrone: https://amzn.to/3h1SJwR
Anarchy: https://amzn.to/38kjrwK

How do you get my free books? Simple. Write a few words to me in the “Leave a Reply” box at the close of this post. Say anything you like – this is not a contest, but perhaps a way to tell me if you enjoy JackBoston or anything else you wish. Sign off your message with your first name and initial of your last name, like Jack R.
I’ll select three recipients at random. The first will receive the complete trilogy, all three trade paper books (or Kindle, if you prefer). Second and third will receive a copy of one of the three books of their choice. Recipients will be announced in next week’s post, at which time you’ll need to email me your mailing address so I can send your book(s).
Season’s Greetings to you. I hope you are healthy and happy and looking forward to my gift of a good story, well told.